Reconciliation, Healing, Salvation, and Deliverance

Rehoboth Theological Seminary is committed to providing Bible center programs help men and women fulfill their God-given potential and release them into their calling. These bible- centered classes provide practical insights into the everyday aspects of Christian ministry for pastors, minister and lay members
Doctrinal Statement of Rehoboth Theological Seminary
We believe the Inspired Scriptures are the Word of God and the authoritative rule of all faith, doctrine, and practice for the Church today.
We believe there is only one true living God --- Father, Son, and Holy Ghost--- Three in one and One in Three. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent.
We believe the Lord Jesus Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, is the Rehoboth Son of God, lived a sinless life, worked all manner of miracles, was striped for our healing, and crucified for our sins. He was bodily resurrected from the dead, ascended to heaven, is sitting at the right hand of God, and shall return to rule in the kingdom of God. He is the only Savior of all mankind.
All of mankind is sinners by nature and subject to eternal judgment. Man is a free moral agent to choose salvation by repentance from sin, and turning to God with faith in Christ. We may know that we are saved and must endure to the end.
New converts are commanded to be baptized in water by immersion in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
We are to pray daily, study the Word often and fellowship in the Church regularly. We are to love others, be humble, and obey God.
Anger Management/Intimate Partner Violence
Approved Academic Biblical Institution with the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling to qualify candidates to become Certified Temperament Counselors and administer the Temperament Analysis Profile (T.A.P.).
Rehoboth Theological Seminary, a Satellite and Affiliate of Restoration Theological Seminary being granted the rights & privileges thereof): Restoration Theological Seminary is authorized by the Georgia Non-public Post-secondary Commission to grant Certificates & Degrees (including Satellites and Affiliate schools).
Religious Exempt status with the Georgia Non-Public Post-Secondary Commission, Atlanta, GA
Accredited Institution by the National Private School Accrediting Group, Inc., (NPSAG) Jacksonville, FL;
Certified Higher Education Institution (Gateway Restoration International Network Spiritual Covering membership); Evangelical Training Association (ETA) which is a nationally recognized agency for the promotion of higher standards for Christian teachers and church educators.
Certified Academic Biblical Institution with the National Christian Counselors Association (NCCA). RTS is a full service institution with staff and Board Certified Clinical Supervisor to train candidates to become Board Certified Christian and Pastoral Clinical Counselors.
RTS offers on-line classes, teleconference classes and traditional classroom setting
Certificates & Degrees offered in the following field
Biblical Counseling
Biblical Studies
Life Coaching
Sexual Addiction
Financial Information

We are committed to offering our students the highest level of academic studies in the Word of God, at the lowest possible cost. However, in our efforts to keep the cost affordable, we cannot provide financial aid, student loans, or scholarships.
We provide a payment plan to meet the need of each students, please choose one of the following four (4) payment plans
Plan A 100% Payment, upon registration due at the start of courses (10% discount).
Plan B 50% Payment Plan upon registration (covers first 10 courses) 50% balance due at the start
The final 10 courses or monthly payments for the balance due (5% discount of first payment)
Plan C Quarterly payments covering (3 months) due before the start of the first course
Plan D Personalized Payment Plan (monthly payments designed according to the amount due for the Quarter(Payments are due the first week of each month).
(Payments are accepted by cash, check, debit card, money orders, or credit cards, etc.)
Any student, who has not paid their appropriate fees at the time due, cannot be allowed to attend classes until fees are paid. No material will be distributed to that student nor can the student attend classes until those fees are paid in advance of the scheduled time for the course to begin.
A student who has been dismissed because their financial obligation to RTS has not been met will not be considered for re-admission until their financial obligation is brought in good Standing. No grades or transcript can be sent on behalf of that student to anyone until they have satisfied their financial obligations to RTS.